Tuesday, July 31, 2018

SpringRest GET calls showing the HTML Page for Invalid API -- throwExceptionIfNoHandlerFound

In Spring Framework, there are number of ways of handing exceptions (and particularly 404 error). Here is a documentation link.
  • First, you can still use error-page tag in web.xml, and customize error page. Here is an example.
  • Second, you can use one @ExceptionHandler for all controllers, like this:
    public class ControllerAdvisor {
         public String handle(Exception ex) {
            return "404";//this is view name
    For this to work, set throwExceptionIfNoHandlerFound property to true for DispatcherServletin web.xml:
    You can also pass some objects to error view, see javadoc for this.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Customization of StackTrace


package com.example.flink;
import java.util.Date;
public class UserDefinedStackTrace {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 public static void getCallLocationName() {
  StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();

  for (int i = stackTrace.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   StackTraceElement elem = stackTrace[i];
   String theDate = new Date().toString();
   String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
   System.out.println(String.format("%s : %s :  %s(%s:%d)", theDate, threadName, elem.getMethodName(),
     elem.getFileName(), elem.getLineNumber()));



Thu Jul 19 15:24:54 IST 2018 : main :  main(UserDefinedStackTrace.java:8)
Thu Jul 19 15:24:54 IST 2018 : main :  getCallLocationName(UserDefinedStackTrace.java:12)
Thu Jul 19 15:24:54 IST 2018 : main :  getStackTrace(Thread.java:1552)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Backup, Restore and Migrate MongoDB Database

mongodump is a utility provided by MongoDB for creating backups of databases. This is an very useful utility and can be consider for taking backups for live servers databases very effectively. For database restore use mongorestore command. 

#1. Backup MongoDB Database (mongodump)

There are various options to take backups of mongodb database. Use mongodump command to take all databases backup or a single database backup of backup of single collection.

Backup Single Database

Use this command to take backup of a single database (named mydb) only. Backup will be created in /backup/db/ directory.
$ mongodump --db mydb --out /backup/db/  <Linux>
mongodump --db mydb --out d:\mydump  <Windows>
–db – database name to backup
–out – database backup location. This will create folder with database name.
You can specify host, port, username and password for remote databases connections backups like below.
$ mongodump --host --port 27017 --username admin --password somepassword --db mydb --out /backup/db/

Backup All Databases

To backup all databases you just need to run following command. Here /data/db/ is location of your mongodb data directory and /backup/db is location of backup directory.
$ mongodump --out /backup/db/
You can specify host, port for remote databases.

Backup Single Collection

This command will take backup of single collection from a database. Backup file will be created in dump/mydb/ directory.
$ mongodump --collection mycollection --db mydb --out /backup/db/

#2. Restore MongoDB Database with mongorestore

mongorestore is command line tool for restoring mongodb database backup. Here /data/db/ is location of your mongodb data directory and /backup/db is location of backup directory.
$ mongorestore --db mydb --drop /backup/db/mydb
–drop – Will remove database if already exist.
You can simply move backup files to remote server and run the same command there to restore backups.

#3. MongoDB Backup Shell Script

You can easily schedule the below script in scheduler to backup databases regularly. Create a file as following
$ vi /backup/mongo-backup.sh
Add below content to file. Update database hostname, database name , username and password accordingly.
Now configure this in crontab to run daily.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Download source and JavaDoc by using Maveen

 Download source and JavaDoc

To download sources for dependencies of maven project, right click on project → Maven → Download Sources.
Similarly to download JavaDoc for dependencies of maven project, right click on project → Maven → Download JavaDoc.

 View Source and JavaDoc

Double click on class file to view the source and javadoc as show below.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Reading and Writing Avro Files from the Command Line

Apache Avro is becoming one of the most popular data serialization formats nowadays, and this holds true particularly for Hadoop-based big data platforms because tools like Pig, Hive and of course Hadoop itself natively support reading and writing data in Avro format. Many users seem to enjoy Avro but I have heard many complaints about not being able to conveniently read or write Avro files with command line tools – “Avro is nice, but why do I have to write Java or Python code just to quickly see what’s in a binary Avro file, or discover at least its Avro schema?”
To those users it comes as a surprise that Avro actually ships with exactly such command line tools but apparently they are not prominently advertised or documented as such. In this short article I will show a few hands-on examples on how to read, write, compress and convert data from and to binary Avro using Avro Tools 1.7.4.

Here is an overview of what we want to do:

What we want to do

  • We will start with an example Avro schema and a corresponding data file in plain-text JSON format.
  • We will use Avro Tools to convert the JSON file into binary Avro, without and with compression (Snappy), and from binary Avro back to JSON.

Getting Avro Tools

You can get a copy of the latest stable Avro Tools jar file from the Avro Releases page. The actual file is in the java subdirectory of a given Avro release version. Here is a direct link to avro-tools-1.7.4.jar (11 MB) on the US Apache mirror site.
Save avro-tools-1.7.4.jar to a directory of your choice. I will use ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar for the examples shown below.

Tools included in Avro Tools

Just run Avro Tools without any parameters to see what’s included:
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar
Available tools:
      compile  Generates Java code for the given schema.
       concat  Concatenates avro files without re-compressing.
   fragtojson  Renders a binary-encoded Avro datum as JSON.
     fromjson  Reads JSON records and writes an Avro data file.
     fromtext  Imports a text file into an avro data file.
      getmeta  Prints out the metadata of an Avro data file.
    getschema  Prints out schema of an Avro data file.
          idl  Generates a JSON schema from an Avro IDL file
       induce  Induce schema/protocol from Java class/interface via reflection.
   jsontofrag  Renders a JSON-encoded Avro datum as binary.
      recodec  Alters the codec of a data file.
  rpcprotocol  Output the protocol of a RPC service
   rpcreceive  Opens an RPC Server and listens for one message.
      rpcsend  Sends a single RPC message.
       tether  Run a tethered mapreduce job.
       tojson  Dumps an Avro data file as JSON, one record per line.
       totext  Converts an Avro data file to a text file.
  trevni_meta  Dumps a Trevni file's metadata as JSON.
trevni_random  Create a Trevni file filled with random instances of a schema.
trevni_tojson  Dumps a Trevni file as JSON.
Likewise run any particular tool without parameters to see its usage/help output. For example, here is the help of the fromjson tool:
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar fromjson
Expected 1 arg: input_file
Option                                  Description
------                                  -----------
--codec                                 Compression codec (default: null)
--schema                                Schema
--schema-file                           Schema File
Note that most of the tools write to STDOUT, so normally you would like to pipe their output to a file via the Bash > redirection operator (particularly when working with large files).

Avro schema

The schema below defines a tuple of (username, tweet, timestamp) as the format of our example data records.
File: twitter.avsc:
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "twitter_schema",
  "namespace" : "com.miguno.avro",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "username",
    "type" : "string",
    "doc"  : "Name of the user account on Twitter.com"
  }, {
    "name" : "tweet",
    "type" : "string",
    "doc"  : "The content of the user's Twitter message"
  }, {
    "name" : "timestamp",
    "type" : "long",
    "doc"  : "Unix epoch time in seconds"
  } ],
  "doc:" : "A basic schema for storing Twitter messages"

Data records in JSON format

And here is some corresponding example data with two records that follow the schema defined in the previous section. We store this data in the file twitter.json.
Example data in twitter.json in JSON format:
{"username":"miguno","tweet":"Rock: Nerf paper, scissors is fine.","timestamp": 1366150681 }
{"username":"BlizzardCS","tweet":"Works as intended.  Terran is IMBA.","timestamp": 1366154481 }

Converting to and from binary Avro

JSON to binary Avro

Without compression:
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar fromjson --schema-file twitter.avsc twitter.json > twitter.avro
With Snappy compression:
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar fromjson --codec snappy --schema-file twitter.avsc twitter.json > twitter.snappy.avro
Note for Mac OS X users: If you run into SnappyError: [FAILED_TO_LOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY]when trying to compress the data with Snappy make sure you use JDK 6 and not JDK 7.

Binary Avro to JSON

The same command will work on both uncompressed and compressed data.
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar tojson twitter.avro > twitter.json
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar tojson twitter.snappy.avro > twitter.json
Note for Mac OS X users: If you run into SnappyError: [FAILED_TO_LOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY]when trying to decompress the data with Snappy make sure you use JDK 6 and not JDK 7.

Retrieve Avro schema from binary Avro

The same command will work on both uncompressed and compressed data.
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar getschema twitter.avro > twitter.avsc
$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar getschema twitter.snappy.avro > twitter.avsc

Known Issues of Snappy with JDK 7 on Mac OS X

If you happen to use JDK 7 on Mac OS X 10.8 you will run into the error below when trying to run the Snappy related commands above. In that case make sure to explicitly use JDK 6. On Mac OS 10.8 the JDK 6 java binary is by default available at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java.
The cause of this problem is documented in the bug report Native (Snappy) library loading fails on openjdk7u4 for mac. This bug is already fixed in the latest Snappy-Java 1.5 milestone releases, but Avro 1.7.4 still depends on the latest stable release of Snappy-Java which is (see lang/java/pom.xmlin the Avro source code).
I also found that one way to fix this problem when writing your own Java code is to explicitly require Snappy 1.5.x. Here is the relevant dependency declaration for build.gradle in case you are using Gradle. This seems to solve the problem, but I have yet to confirm whether this is a safe way for production scenarios.
// Required to fix a Snappy native library error on OS X when trying to compress Avro files with Snappy;
// Avro 1.7.4 uses the latest stable release of Snappy, (see avro/lang/java/pom.xml) that still contains
// the original bug described at https://github.com/xerial/snappy-java/issues/6.
// Note that in a production setting we do not care about OS X, so we could use Snappy as required by
// Avro 1.7.4 as is.
compile group: 'org.xerial.snappy', name: 'snappy-java', version: '1.0.5-M4'
Detailed error message:
$ uname -a
Darwin mac.local 12.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan  6 22:37:10 PST 2013; root:xnu-2050.22.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

$ java -jar ~/avro-tools-1.7.4.jar fromjson --codec snappy --schema-file twitter.avsc twitter.json > twitter.snappy.avro

 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601)
 at org.xerial.snappy.SnappyLoader.loadNativeLibrary(SnappyLoader.java:317)
 at org.xerial.snappy.SnappyLoader.load(SnappyLoader.java:219)
 at org.xerial.snappy.Snappy.<clinit>(Snappy.java:44)
 at org.apache.avro.file.SnappyCodec.compress(SnappyCodec.java:43)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileStream$DataBlock.compressUsing(DataFileStream.java:349)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.writeBlock(DataFileWriter.java:348)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.writeIfBlockFull(DataFileWriter.java:295)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.append(DataFileWriter.java:266)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.DataFileWriteTool.run(DataFileWriteTool.java:109)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.run(Main.java:80)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.main(Main.java:69)
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no snappyjava in java.library.path
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1860)
 at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:845)
 at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1084)
 at org.xerial.snappy.SnappyNativeLoader.loadLibrary(SnappyNativeLoader.java:52)
 ... 15 more
Exception in thread "main" org.xerial.snappy.SnappyError: [FAILED_TO_LOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY] null
 at org.xerial.snappy.SnappyLoader.load(SnappyLoader.java:229)
 at org.xerial.snappy.Snappy.<clinit>(Snappy.java:44)
 at org.apache.avro.file.SnappyCodec.compress(SnappyCodec.java:43)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileStream$DataBlock.compressUsing(DataFileStream.java:349)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.writeBlock(DataFileWriter.java:348)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.writeIfBlockFull(DataFileWriter.java:295)
 at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.append(DataFileWriter.java:266)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.DataFileWriteTool.run(DataFileWriteTool.java:109)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.run(Main.java:80)
 at org.apache.avro.tool.Main.main(Main.java:69)

Where to go from here

The example commands above show just a few variants of how to use Avro Tools to read, write and convert Avro files. The Avro Tools library is documented at:
That said I found those docs not that helpful (the sources are however). I’d recommend to just try running the command line tools without parameters and have a look at their usage instructions which they will print to STDOUT. Normally this is enough to understand how they should be used.

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