Thursday, April 30, 2020

OpenVPN: “Bad compression stub decompression header byte: 102”

OpenVPN 2.4 also became the default version your connections use. OpenVPN 2.4 adds many security and performance improvements.

Because OpenVPN 2.4 is a major release, there are some setting incompatibilities you may have from your OpenVPN 2.3 configurations. The most common incompatibility is compression settings and the deprecation of the comp-loz command.

Due to which our  data traffic is halted, but connection is not dropped (vpn)

connecting to sophos VPN , we were able to ping to the desired machine in office network but unable to connect to machine via, SSH or VNC.

when we try to ssh we get the below error

Bad Compression


The Following Solution will Be able to solve this issue and make you to connect to your machine.


Step 1. Goto The setting and Select networks


Step 2: Install the Following Packages to configure VPN.

sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn 
sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome  
sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp 
sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc


Step 3:  Go to the Network of Ubuntu, Under VPN , click on + button.

Step 4: Click on Import From File and import the .ovpn file from Sophos.

if you get any error like plugins error  like.

“error: the plugin does not support import capability” when attempting to import openvpn config file”

Open your .ovpn and Comment the following line

route remote_host net_gateway

Step 5:  After importing successfully, Enter your Credentials like username and password.

Step 6: After entering, click on Advanced Settings.

Step7: Change the LZO Data Compress Value from no to Adaptive

Step8: Click ok and Apply and connect to your VPN and try to connect to your machine!




Important Update

If you Dint get internet Access after Connected to VPN!

Try this

Goto network setting & click on your desired vpn setting icon

VPN configaration > IPv4routes > use this connection only for resources on its network

Goto IPv4 and tick the “Use this connection only for resource on its network”  & click on Apply

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