Saturday, May 11, 2019

Having doubt and continuing a work

Experience : 

  • One day, I have given my bike for service in the morning . 
  • They have completed the service and i have started to servicing center to bring my bike.
  • When I started , There is raining and I have reached to servicing center by bus with helmet.
  • I have taken bike and started to come to home.
  • There is heavy raining and even though i am come to home . 
  • My mind have a doubt that I have mobile and it may be damaged because of the rain. 
  • But, i did not listen because of the mobile pouch. 
  • I have reached home and checked the mobile then i came to know that my mobile's sound is coming differently compared to previous sound.

Lesson :  Whenever , we have doubt on that we have to get clarity and that doubt and then go ahead. 

Effect of Postpone in Life

Experience : 

  • One day I came from Office and being ready to go to my home town.
  • On that day in my home water is going empty in the cans. 
  • So, my mind suggest me to bring the new water cans.
  • But , I did not listen to that and wasted my time and left home to home town.
  • I have completed some work at home town and come back to Bangalore on Sunday night .
  • I have went  to Office and come back in the evening.
  • Started preparing dinner then I came to know that cans are empty. So, I have called immediately to  cans to supplier . He told that there is raining so that it will take some time to deliver.
  • At this time, it take 3 hours to the cans supplier to come to my home and deliver the water.
  • I have realized at that moment , that because of postponement of water bringing before going to hometown, this happens.
Lesson:  we should not postpone of any work , if possible. if we do not do the work at that time , then when we have to do that work when we are busy.        

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