Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Importing Data into Amazon S3 Using Sqoop

Import Data into S3 Bucket in Incremental Mode

The --temporary-rootdir option must be set to point to a location in the S3 bucket to import data into an S3 bucket in incremental mode.

Append Mode

When importing data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental append mode, the location of the temporary root directory must be in the same bucket as the directory. For example: s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir or s3a://example-bucket/target-directory/temporary-rootdir.

Example command: Import data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental append mode.

sqoop import --connect $CONN --username $USER --password $PWD --table $TABLE_NAME --target-dir s3a://example-bucket/target-directory --incremental append --check-column $CHECK_COLUMN --last-value $LAST_VALUE --temporary-rootdir s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir 

Data from RDBMS can be imported into S3 in incremental append mode as Sequence or Avro file format. too

Parquet import into S3 in incremental append mode is also supported if the Parquet Hadoop API based implementation is used, meaning that the --parquet-configurator-implementation option is set to hadoop. For more information about the Parquet Hadoop API based implementation, see Importing Data into Parquet Format Using Sqoop.

Example command: Import data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental append mode as Parquet file.

sqoop import --connect $CONN --username $USER --password $PWD --table $TABLE_NAME --target-dir s3a://example-bucket/target-directory --incremental append --check-column $CHECK_COLUMN --last-value $LAST_VALUE --temporary-rootdir s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir --as-parquetfile --parquet-configurator-implementation hadoop 

Lastmodified Mode

When importing data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental lastmodified mode, the location of the temporary root directory must be in the same bucket and in the same directory as the target directory. For example: s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir in case of s3a://example-bucket/target-directory.

Example command: Import data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental lastmodified mode.

sqoop import --connect $CONN --username $USER --password $PWD --table $TABLE_NAME --target-dir s3a://example-bucket/target-directory --incremental lastmodified --check-column $CHECK_COLUMN --merge-key $MERGE_KEY --last-value $LAST_VALUE --temporary-rootdir s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir 

Parquet import into S3 in incremental lastmodified mode is supported if the Parquet Hadoop API based implementation is used, meaning that the --parquet-configurator-implementation option is set to hadoop. For more information about the Parquet Hadoop API based implementation, see Importing Data into Parquet Format Using Sqoop.

Example command: Import data into a target directory in an Amazon S3 bucket in incremental lastmodified mode as Parquet file.

sqoop import --connect $CONN --username $USER --password $PWD --table $TABLE_NAME --target-dir s3a://example-bucket/target-directory --incremental lastmodified --check-column $CHECK_COLUMN --merge-key $MERGE_KEY --last-value $LAST_VALUE --temporary-rootdir s3a://example-bucket/temporary-rootdir  --as-parquetfile --parquet-configurator-implementation hadoop

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