Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter
Your cover letter is your best chance to sell why you specifically are the best candidate for this job.
Tips for writing the best cover letter:
  • Write a strong opening. Don’t just say “I am applying for your listing which I found on LinkedIn”, but explain why you are applying: “The opportunity to join your company as a Marketing manager is an excellent match with my 7 years of experience marketing top-end consumer products with over $50 million in annual sales.”
  • Include experience and strengths that relate directly to the job you are seeking. It is not necessary to include everything from your resume here. Simply choose a few things to highlight.
  • Research the person and company you are applying to. If you have any shared interests, backgrounds or connections, mention those to increase the interest of the hiring manager.
  • Be creative. Make sure your cover letter shows who you are; stand out from the crowd.
  • Proofread carefully. Spelling and grammatical errors can be a big problem. You may want to type your cover letter in a word-processing program and use the spellchecker. Then just copy and paste your letter into the provided field.
Example Cover Letter
Dear <name>,
(if the poster has made his/her name available use it, otherwise use “Hiring Manager”)
The opportunity to join your company as a Marketing manager is an excellent match with my 7 years of experience marketing top-end consumer products with over $50 million in annual sales.
Specifically, my applicable experience for this job and key strengths include:
<list your experiences>
(Don’t repeat your resume, but tie specific experiences to the requirements for the job)
The attached resume and my LinkedIn profile provide more detail about my other past experience and accomplishments. Endorsements from other professionals, former colleagues and bosses can also be seen in my LinkedIn profile.
I’m sure there are some people I’ve worked with in the past who are accessible through your LinkedIn network; I encourage you to use the reference search LinkedIn provides to get more information about my qualifications from some of those people.
Thank you for your time and attention; I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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