Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tree View in JQuery

 Tree View   good 

Simply Super Tree View 

from the above :: find the following ::

Select/Deselect Handlers

Want to be notified any time a checkbox changes state as the result of a click? Use the ivh-treeview-on-cb-change attribute. Your expression will be evaluated whenever a node checkbox changes state with the following local variables: ivhNode, the node whose selected state changed; ivhIsSelected, the new selected state of the node; and ivhTree, the tree ivhNodebelongs to.
You may also supply a selected handler as a function (rather than an angular expression) using ivh-treeview-options or by setting a global onCbChange option. In this case the function will be passed a single object with ivhNodeivhIsSelected, and ivhTree properties.
Note that programmatic changes to a node's selected state (including selection change propagation) will not trigger this callback. It is only run for the actual node clicked on by a user.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
    ivh-treeview-on-cb-change="fancy.otherAwesomeCallback(ivhNode, ivhIsSelected, ivhTree)">

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